San Samora Goverment


City Administration

   >Mayor's Office

   >City Counsel
   >Emergency Medical Services
   >Facilities Management
   >Human Resources

   >Parks & Recreation

   >Tax Office
Public Information
   >City FQA's
   >Request a Public Record (form to request public information)
Veterans Services
   >Health & Well-Being
   >Vet Job Finders
Veteran Building

Vetrean Services

So beautiful was she that when the young Fisherman saw her he was filled with wonder, and he put out his hand and drew the net close to him, and leaning over the side he clasped her in his arms. And when he touched her, she gave a cry like a startled sea-gull and woke, and looked at him in terror with her mauve-amethyst eyes, and struggled that she might escape. But he held her tightly to him, and would not suffer her to depart.

And when she saw that she could in no way escape from him, she began to weep, and said, `I pray thee let me go, for I am the only daughter of a King, and my father is aged and alone.'

But the young Fisherman answered, `I will not let thee go save thou makest me a promise that whenever I call thee, thou wilt come and sing to me, for the fish delight to listen to the song of the Sea-folk, and so shall my nets be full.'


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